Synonymous with Quality and Safety


ISO 9001

SAIT has obtained and maintains ISO 9001 certification for the entire production cycle, from development to the delivery of the product. All SAIT products are subject to strict quality controls to ensure high standards of safety, performance and reliability. The Customer is also constantly assisted by a team of people specialized and qualified in technical and commercial field.


ISO 14001

SAIT considers the protection of the environment and the reduction of environmental impact an essential value. The company complies with the requirements of the ISO 14001 environmental management system standard.

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Organisation for the Safety of Abrasives (oSa)

SAIT is one of the founder members of the Organisation.
The oSa promotes the adoption of technologies and controls in the field of product safety among manufacturers of abrasives, following the most rigorous international regulatory standards.


Federation of European Producers of Abrasives (FEPA)

SAIT is one of the founder members of the FEPA


British Abrasives Federation (BAF)

SAIT is a member of the BAF, the UK's authority on the professional use of abrasive solutions.



SAIT became an approved member of the Troy/THS buying group - the leading engineering buying group for the UK - in early 2020